Launching Orchid Project in Denmark

Wednesday 22 June 2011

Well, the Orchid Team is just coming back down to earth. We returned from a brief trip to Copenhagen, where we launched Orchid in Denmark.

If anyone is a particularly avid reader of this blog, they may remember reading that last August, I went to Austria to meet with an incredible group of Danish people to talk to them about ending female genital cutting.

Little did I know that one speech to that audience would lead us, nine months later, to have an active supporter group in Denmark. Above all else, I think this happened because they were so moved not only by the issues girls face from female genital cutting, but also because of the hope and opportunity there is around ending it.Part of my speech to the audience there was to get involved with something that they could really be part of: “Imagine if you could say you helped end female genital cutting.” I think we all want to belong to something, all want to be part of ultimately doing good, however worthy that may sound.

A couple of things stood out for me: firstly, how we can never know or second guess where support will come from: people ranging from auctioneers, designers, music producers, photographers, financiers, mountaineers – all interested in how they can be involved and help change something.

Secondly, that our approach of working with communities at the grassroots and with hope and positivity and respect is entirely the right one – but it’s also one that is seen so little in this field. So often, the terminology around FGC is that of “fighting” or war analogy or battles. Social change really isn’t about fighting, it is about embracing.

I’m someone who constantly wants to focus on the issue, not on us as a team and what we do, but I really wanted to pay tribute to all those who worked to make last week a success, so here is a photo of the Danish Orchid team who came together to make this such an incredible evening!