
There are lots of ways that you can get creative or challenge yourself in support of our work to end female genital mutilation or cutting (FGM/C). If you have an idea and want to get started, please email our Fundraising Team for support with materials so you can get the most out of your fundraising.

If you are not wanting to donate to Orchid Project via the website, please email our Fundraising Team to find out about our other options.

You can also opt in to Gift Aid if you haven’t done so, by printing off the Gift Aid Declaration Form, filling it in and sending the form to our team

Gift aid allows Orchid Project to claim 25% on top of your donation, from the UK Government. So, for every £1 you give, we’ll receive £1.25.  Find out more about gift aid here.

Looking for inspiration?

Hold an event for Orchid Project

You can host any type of event: From a concert, to a play or an afternoon tea. Get together, raise awareness about FGC and fundraise for Orchid Project.

Take on a challenge

Orchid Project have partnered with Run For Charity. If you’re interested in signing up to take on a sporting challenge whilst raising money for Orchid Project, then please visit our page. 

We’re also offering spots for the following events, so please get in touch if you’re interested in any of the following:

London Landmarks Half Marathon
Royal Parks Wait List
Manchester Half Marathon
Hampton Court Half Marathon
Regents Park Events
London Supernova Run
Virtual Dog Jog
Paris Marathon 

You can also get your company, community, friends or school involved and make a meaningful impact to end FGM/C.

Do what you love

Can you dance? Act? Are you an amazing baker, or a talented artist? There are so many ways to have fun and support our work towards the abandonment of FGM/C. Use your passion to bring people together while doing what you love and fundraise for Orchid Project.

Support us at your celebration

If you are celebrating your birthday, wedding, anniversary or any other occasion, you can make it extra special by raising funds to change the lives of the 4.1 million girls who are at risk of being cut each year. Ask your guests to contribute towards Orchid Project’s work, and let them know about how FGC can end with their help.

We’d love to hear your creative fundraising ideas to support our work to end FGC. To chat to us about ideas, and to receive materials, please get in touch with our Fundraising Team.