


2018 population growth rate


Estimated prevalence among girls and women

Only one study has been carried out on female genital cutting (FGC) in Kuwait. It found that 38% of 4,800 women had been cut.

The researchers noted that prevalence could be much higher, as women from some communities may have rejected taking part in the study for fear of repercussions.

Source: Chibber, El-saleh & El harmi

Type practised

Type I and Type II FGC are thought to be most commonly practised.

Source: Chibber, El-saleh & El harmi


Between the ages of 4 and 12.

Source: Chibber, El-saleh & El harmi


Medical practitioner 12%

Local barber or “mamma” 88%

Source: Chibber, El-saleh & El harmi

Legal status

There is no specific law banning FGC in Kuwait.

Human Development Index ranking

56 in 2018 index, based on 2017 data.

Infant mortality rate

7.2 deaths per 1,000 live births (2016).

Maternal mortality rate

4 deaths per 100,000 live births (2015).

Source: Human Development Index

Trends and challenges

  • Lack of research on FGC in Kuwait remains a challenge. The sole study was carried out on nearly 5,000 women in an antenatal hospital unit between 2001 and 2004. The findings of this study are thought to be representative of the Kuwaiti female population, as the majority of women have their antenatal care in hospitals.
  • The study by Chibber, El-saleh & El harmi noted multiple health impacts reported by women. These included: traumatic flashbacks, premature/obstructed labour, foetal distress, delivery by caesarean, post-partum haemorrhage and kidney infections.
  • FGC is closely associated with Hepatitis C due to the unsterile conditions in which it is often performed.
  • In the majority of practising groups in Kuwait, women are mostly well-educated and financially well-endowed, dispelling the myth that FGC is only practised by communities without access to education or resources.