Unknown. It has been reported that girls and women have undergone female genital cutting (FGC) in remote mountainous regions of Dagestan. Reportedly, tens of thousands of women and girls have been cut in this area. It has also been reported that a medical clinic in Moscow was offering clitirodectomy as a service, although little more is known about the practice in this setting.
Unknown, although reports about FGC in Dagestan make reference to “girls as young as three” undergoing the practice.
Source: Guardian
Unknown, although the rural location of practising communities in Dagestan may suggest that traditional practitioners perform FGC on girls. In Moscow, one medical centre was reported as offering FGC as a service, although the centre denies carrying out the practice (clitirodectomy) for non-medical reasons.
Source: BBC News
Although there is no law specifically banning FGM in Russia, the practice is considered illegal under article 111 of the criminal code of causing serious harm to human health.
49 in 2019 index, based on 2017 data.
6.6 deaths per 1,000 live births (2016).
25 deaths per 100,000 live births (2015).
Source: Human Development Index
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